Performing Under Pressure and the Cost of Anxiety

Test Anxiety

Standardized testing season begins in the Spring students will be placed in “high stakes” scenarios that produce “test-anxiety” which is shown to dramatically affect performance. We all face anxiety in our day to day lives but the practice of Aikido can reduce the impact and support performance that reflects our best abilities. Continue reading Performing Under Pressure and the Cost of Anxiety

Endo Sensei teaches how to act like an aikidoist.

Continuing from last week’s post this is a great video of Endo Sensei leading a seminar demonstrating how breathing, looking, and moving is the foundation for “being” an aikidoist. I will also mention that last time Endo Sensei was in the states I had the opportunity to get harshly criticized for being one of “those people” who don’t attack like an aikidoist. There are plusses and minuses to that as well. Continue reading Endo Sensei teaches how to act like an aikidoist.

Standing, Breathing, Moving, its about how it makes you feel…

angry-pigeonsResearch continues to show that what the body does “makes” us feel something. Our bodies play a major role in producing emotion but sometimes our bodies are playing the part of a different story then we are in at the moment. Studies show that if we change what our body is doing our feelings change with it. Continue reading Standing, Breathing, Moving, its about how it makes you feel…