Movement and Intent; Saito Sensei being specific


Saito Sensei says Aikido is a “logical art,” each movement has mechanics and intent. In this clip Saito Sensei demonstrates the basic tenet of aikido and conflict resolution: let go and take a different perspective.
The character for Sageru is shown above which means to drop down from. Before you can move from a position that has met or created opposition you have to let go. Saito Sensei demonstrates the steps in the context of physical conflict. Drop your hand (point of conflict), arm/ shoulder (connection to conflict), head (mental position), and feeling (all that other tension and anxiety). Then you can move around to another perspective without force to take the same viewpoint of your “attacker” before your attempt resolution.

In other demonstrations Saito Sensei says “there is an angle” to how you move your arm, he demonstrates how other attempts create opposition but the right angle produces no resistance, requires little effort, and allows you to move freely.

Aikido is not technique but technique is the method for gaining insight into how resolution works in a certain scenario. Training is the opportunity to develop a way of thinking and a way of being in the context of conflict. Practice is the opportunity to test your abilities in the context of anxiety and stress (someone is attacking you, can you keep it together).