It still sounds like Aikido…

Steven Seagal explains the philosopy of Aikido but his Aikido has a very different feeling. Talking the talk, maybe not walking the walk?

If Steven Seagal had gotten it right there would be an Aikido dojo on every corner but Mr. Miyagi won the pop culture war. The direction that both modern karate schools as well as the direction Seagal’s “practice” has gone makes me think it is good that Aikido did not get sucked into the mainstream. Seagal demonstrates the potential deadly force that can be produce out of a place of non-opposition. He is an amazing martial artist, or at least he was before his movie stardom but I am not sure I would be comfortable practicing with him. I also have a hard time listening to his words while watching his application of Aikido techniques.

This second clip is from 1993 where Seagal demonstated at the ALl Japan Aikido Demo… He may have been the first Non-Japanese aikidoist to demonstrate (there have been many uke’s) at this event. Seagal’s inclusion is an major honor denoting the respect he gained in Japan. Like the first clip the aikido is powerful and aggressive; also notice his bow.

Lastly, is footage of Saito Sensei performing for the last All Japan Aikido Demo in 2001 before his passing. There is a very different feeling between the ukes and Saito Sensei, and there is a very different bow. Both Steven Seagal and Saito Sensei have been labeled as “hard style” aikidoist but there is very different feeling separating the two.

2 thoughts on “It still sounds like Aikido…”

  1. After watching all three of these clips, I learned about the role Steven Seagal was involved in with Aikido. In awe of his performance in 1993 at the ALI Japan Aikido Demonstration, this article honorably mentions the respect he gained including the possibility which, “He may have been the first Non-Japanese aikidoist to demonstrate (there have been many uke’s) at this event.” The deep culture that formed Aikido has a long history, which has not evolved into any mainstream practices. I support that statement because there is a deeper understanding when practicing and learning the philosophy behind Aikido. The beauty behind Aikido is it remains solely based of self-defense; therefore no offense attacks are made against your opponent. The first clip describes the power in our minds, how useful it can be portrayed. It was shocking how Seagal blocked the force of two young men by only using his pinky! I now believe that the power held within our minds can be stronger than our own physical strength. While watching Seagal perform his moves did appear more so aggressive than some. The last clip introduced me to Saito Sensei. The different feelings or tone of this clip that I noticed was Saito Sensei’s movement it appeared as if it were more fluid and passive. I am able to notice the movement into negative and positive space during the performance with Saito Sensei. While watching Steven Seagal demonstrate my attention was diverted to each physical outcome, which seemed to be more aggressive towards his opponents. However reflecting on all of these clips I have gained a better insight of Aikido from these demonstrations that will help me inside and outside of the dojo.

  2. The figure of Steven Seagal is probably the most prominent American figure to be involved in Aikido. It is a large honor to be able to practice and teach any Japanese martial art in Japan. However I believe there is a bit of a disconnect from what he says about Aikido and how he practices it. I was taught that there is a connection with the person who voluntarily is the aggressor or person who falls and the person using Aikido. there should be respect and throwing them around with such force that Mr. Seagal uses is a bit disrespectful and ultimately endangers someone that is attempting to allow you to practice your techniques safely.

    The example of Saito Sensai as he gently pins and throws softly is dramatic to me as this shows a concern for his partner which implies a very real respect that i do not see in the videos of Mr. Seagal.

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