O’sensei said “I completely envelop my opponent’s heart with the heart of love.”

Above quote from The Journey to the Heart of Aikido by Linda Holiday

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Frager Sensei trained directly from O’sensei but didn’t realize until studying the Lathi staff (11:30) that Aikido must be practiced with strength of heart, not just strength of “hara” (core) Linda Holiday Sensei reminds us to get back to basics to get to the “Heart of Aikido” and Paul Linden talks about how approaching an aggressor with an open chest, arms, and heart makes for stronger, more balanced, and more effective technique.

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After years of practice Linda Holiday talks about searching for the deeper meaning of Aikido through returning to the basics. Linda Holiday is also the author of Journey to the Heart of Aikido which narrates her interview and training with Anno Sensei. Anno Sensei talks about how Aikido is not just love but great love, an effort that he describes as requiring work, effort, and hardship to attain.

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Paul Linden speaks to the dramatic resource that Aikido has been in changing his role in living with Parkinson’s disease. He also speaks from the shoes of a Somatic Psychologist, focusing on how basic Aikido body practices enable change for trauma victims. Lastly he speaks from the shoes of an Aikidoist; he is now focusing on approaching his attacker with the body state of love which he has found makes his aikido more fluid, balanced, and powerful. (43:00)

Still to come from The Integral Dojo is Richard Moon Sensei and Richard Strozzi-Heckler Sensei. All of these speakers are members of Aiki Extensions which utilizes Aiki Principles and Aikido practice to bring about positive change. The AE 2015 Conference is coming up March 27-29th in Frederickburg, VA. Click for more information.